Try a free class!
Are you interested in joining the AGC in 2025? Experience what it’s like to be a part of the Australian Girls Choir and join us for a free Trial Class.
Contact us
ASPA Head Office team members answer all phone calls and email correspondence between 9am – 4pm (AEDT) Monday to Friday. If you reach our voicemail system then we assure you that your call will be returned within 24 hours and usually quicker than this. Alternatively you can complete the form below or email us and we will be in contact.
Current Choristers
It is our aim to have all relevant information available to you in the eNewsletter and on the website. Beyond this, Venue Managers at your rehearsal venue are very knowledgeable. We welcome the opportunity to have conversations with parents and we aim to respond, in a timely manner, to your queries whether we receive them by phone or email.
Contact form
Contact Details
ASPA Head Office team members answer all phone calls and email correspondence.
Melbourne (Head Office) – Victoria
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 03 9859 6499
Address: PO Box 417, Kew East, VICÂ 3102
Adelaide – South Australia
Hours: 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 08 8271 1622
Brisbane – Queensland
Hours: 8am-3pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 07 3256 0207
Canberra – Australian Capital Territory
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 1800 338 142
Perth – Western Australia
Hours: 6am-1pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 08 6365 2100
Sydney – New South Wales
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 02 9922 6733
Try a free class at our June Open Day!
Are you interested in joining the AGC in 2024? Experience what it’s like to be a part of the Australian Girls Choir and come along to a free trial class.
Contact us
ASPA Head Office team members answer all phone calls and email correspondence between 9am – 4pm (AEDT) Monday to Friday. If you reach our voicemail system then we assure you that your call will be returned within 24 hours and usually quicker than this. Alternatively you can complete the form below or email us and we will be in contact.
Current Choristers
It is our aim to have all relevant information available to you in the eNewsletter and on the website. Beyond this, Venue Managers at your rehearsal venue are very knowledgeable. We welcome the opportunity to have conversations with parents and we aim to respond, in a timely manner, to your queries whether we receive them by phone or email.
Contact form
Contact Details
ASPA Head Office team members answer all phone calls and email correspondence.
Melbourne (Head Office) – Victoria
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 03 9859 6499
Address: PO Box 417, Kew East, VICÂ 3102
Adelaide – South Australia
Hours: 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 08 8271 1622
Brisbane – Queensland
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 07 3256 0207
Canberra – Australian Capital Territory
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 1800 338 142
Perth – Western Australia
Hours: 7am-2pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 08 6365 2100
Sydney – New South Wales
Hours: 9am-4pm Monday to Friday
Ph: 02 9922 6733