Canberra Open Day details – this weekend!

Canberra Open Day details – this weekend!
June 22, 2018 Australian Girls Choir

This Sunday, the AGC will be holding our first ever Open Day in Canberra! Classes will be commencing in July 2018, and our Open Day is the perfect way for girls and their families to find out more about the AGC before joining.

Girls and their parents can try out a complimentary class, meet our staff members, watch our senior touring choristers perform, and attend an information session.

Staff will be available in our Head Office to take registrations until 3.00pm AEST today (Friday June 22). Please call 1800 338 142 to book in.

If you would like to come along but are unable to register via phone, we would still love to see you there! Please find the confirmed details below:

Date: Sunday June 24
Location: Canberra Girls Grammar School, Melbourne Avenue, Deakin
Time: 3.20pm

We look forward to seeing you there!