2023 at the AGC
Dance into 2023 with the Australian Girls Choir and see how she shines!
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to embark on a new activity, or take a particular skill or passion to the next level. For school aged girls who love to sing and dance, 2023 at the AGC offers the opportunity to dive into a world of new possibilities, with exceptional musical education, unparalleled performance opportunities, and an abundance of growth opportunities along the way.
Weekly classes in a nurturing environment
Whether it is her first foray into the performing arts or she has previous experience, 2023 at the AGC features weekly lessons designed to help girls grow and thrive. Throughout the course of the year, girls will develop their vocal, movement and musicianship skills, all while building friendships outside of their regular school environment.
For girls in Foundation level, Grade 1 or Grade 2, our junior@agc curriculum will focus on developing performing arts skills in a fun and playful environment.
Through our AGC Training Levels, girls in Grade 3 and above will learn a range of new repertoire for 2023, part singing, musicianship, vocal extension, and ‘performance ready’ skills focusing on posture, standing tall and proud, taking pride in her appearance and open body language.
In our Senior Performance Groups, our curriculum will also include a new repertoire selection, advanced part singing, complex dance routines and staging, drama and theatrical interpretation, music literacy, presentation and performance skills.
Along with this extraordinary array of performing arts skills, girls will also benefit from the less obvious elements of our curriculum – a focus on developing confidence, self-esteem, public speaking skills, discipline, and presentation skills.
“I had wanted to enrol my daughter in the AGC primarily for music education and to foster an enjoyment of singing and performing. However, it turned out to be so much more than that – character building, engaging, and confidence boosting, as well as an opportunity for her to forge likeminded and wholesome friendships.” – Hayley Maynard, NSW Parent
Concerts to elevate her confidence and inspire
Every chorister at the AGC has the opportunity to participate in two concerts in 2023 – our Winter Showcase and end of year Annual Concert. Our senior choristers will also have the opportunity to perform at a third concert – AGC in Concert, which our younger choristers are encouraged to attend to see their senior role models in action. Regardless of how many years our choristers have spent in the choir, concerts never lose their sparkle, with new repertoire, arrangements and choreography every year! Concerts give our choristers a goal to work towards, and in turn, cultivate strong team work skills. By performing in front of an audience, choristers build their confidence and resilience, and many parents marvel at their daughter’s transformation each year.
“I have never seen my daughter as happy as she was after her first concert with AGC.” – Camilla Stinson, mother of Audrey
Touring the country and taking on the world stage
2023 will see the exciting return of National and International Tours, open to our Concert Level, Camerata and Performing Choir choristers. Tours are a valuable opportunity for choristers to learn and mature both personally and as a performer. On our National Tour, choristers will venture to South Australia, visiting and performing in regional towns and Adelaide, while our International Tour will see choristers take flight to Italy and France. On both Tours, choristers will participate in sightseeing experiences, take part in performing arts workshops, and perform in unique locations. Where possible, girls will stay with host families for an enriching cultural exchange – a rare opportunity for girls at this age.
“She left on that tour as my little girl, and returned a mature, independent, worldly young lady.” – Rachel Landsberg, mother of Anastasia
2023 will also see the return of National Music Schools whereby our senior choristers will be grouped together with other states to work intensively with senior tutors on their repertoire for the year, and work with a choreographer to learn their choreography and staging for their Winter Showcase item.
Similar to the elements of our curriculum that aren’t about singing and dancing, Tours and Music Schools also have their hidden benefits including building independence, social awareness, team work, time-management, self-confidence and leadership skills.
While our junior choristers cannot participate just yet, Tours and Music Schools are a great goal to strive towards in the choir.
Learning from our senior ‘sorellas’
In 2011 we introduced the In-Venue Sorella Program (‘sorella’ meaning sister in Italian) as an opportunity for senior choristers to build relationships and share their knowledge with junior choristers. We are thrilled to see the program return in 2023, with selected Performing Choir and Camerata choristers allocated a junior class to attend for the term. The program is an opportunity for our senior choristers to develop and exercise their leadership skills by assisting the AGC Tutor, and mentor our younger choristers as an approachable older figure in the choir.
Senior choristers will also have the chance to step into the role of ‘Sorella’ at concerts and Open Days in 2023, so make sure you stop by for a chat!
“I love every one of those girls and can’t wait to see them as future Senior Choristers. The In-Venue Sorella Program has definitely been one of my most memorable experiences with the AGC.” – Perth Chorister
Unparalleled performance opportunities
While we can’t reveal everything now, in 2023 AGC choristers will once again delight audiences across Australia and around the world with our performances at major national and international events, on television and in recording studios. Some of our 2022 highlights included singing on Sunrise, The Today Show, Carols by Candelight, Carols in the Domain, the AFL Grand Final, the cricket and featuring in the latest Qantas ‘I Still Call Australia Home’ ad campaign. Keep your eyes peeled on our Facebook or Instagram to be the first to hear about where our choristers will be popping up this year.
With so many exciting ventures in store for 2023 at the AGC, there’s no better time to start the year off fresh and join us at our February Open Day. Register now for your free class!
“AGC ran a very professional and fun Open Day that captured her imagination very well and she was hooked from Day One!” – QLD Parent