An Australian showcase at the International Women’s Forum conference

An Australian showcase at the International Women’s Forum conference
May 7, 2018 Australian Girls Choir

Choristers from our senior performance groups in Melbourne took to the stage recently at the International Women’s Forum Australian Conference.

Held at the Peninsula in Docklands, our choristers entertained 400 pre-eminent businesswomen from around the world. The choristers were a certain highlight of the evening, presenting Australian classics including ‘I Am Australian’, ‘My Island Home’ and ‘I Still Call Australia Home’.

AGC event manager Hannah Peart said the girls thoroughly enjoyed performing at the conference which was attended by notable businesswomen, politicians and the Governor of Victoria. “It was fantastic to see so many influential women from such a variety of cultures come together for this event” Hannah noted.

The International Women’s Forum is a membership organisation of more than 6,800 accomplished women from diverse background. The IWF strives to build better leaders and supports a charitable arm, the Leadership Foundation.