May is Music School month at the AGC!

May is Music School month at the AGC!
May 3, 2018 Australian Girls Choir

Music schools are an integral part of the AGC experience, preparing girls for the concert season ahead. From one-day intensive workshops for choristers in the training levels through to a five-day residential retreat for our senior Performing Choir choristers, music schools at all levels are a highlight of the choir year for the girls and staff involved.

The season begins with Performing Choir music school at the end of April and involves choristers from around the country coming together. This year, our Melbourne and Brisbane Performing Choir girls travelled to Phillip Island in Victoria and our Sydney, Adelaide and Perth choristers travelled to Stanwell Tops in New South Wales.

Looking forward to the rest of May, we will see girls from Allegro through to Camerata coming together for their music schools. Music school weekends are no small feat – over two extraordinary weekends, we will welcome approximately 1000 Allegro, 950 Avanti, 800 Prelude, 900 Concert and 300 Camerata choristers to Music Schools around the country.

Girls benefit from working with a variety of conductors and choreographers and being exposed to diverse styles of communication and direction. Much of the content for the year ahead is taught in preparation for the concerts ahead.

It’s not all hard work though – girls enjoy making new friendships, participating in group activities, dressing up and letting their creativity shine! Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page for photos of all the fun!