And that’s a wrap for 2018!

And that’s a wrap for 2018!
December 13, 2018 Australian Girls Choir

What an amazing end to the year! After 17 concerts across 6 states featuring more than 6000 girls, we couldn’t be more proud of the phenomenal performances our choristers presented at their Annual Concerts.

We know just how much work goes into preparing such dazzling showcases and we would like to congratulate all choristers and AGC staff involved.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the support of parents, family and friends who transport the girls to and from rehearsals, pack lunches and organise costumes. We couldn’t do it without you, so, thank you!

We have been so happy to welcome Canberra to the AGC family in 2018 and were blown away by the amazing standard of their Annual Concert.

Weekly rehearsals have now concluded for the year, but some AGC choristers are still busy performing at Christmas Carols events around the country. Many of these can be attended by the public – check out the recent Latest News item for more information.

A reminder that 2019 classes start in the week of February 4 in each city (with Voice Placement Night for Camerata and Performing Choir in the previous week). Please see the Current Choristers Calendar for more information.

Wishing all a safe, happy, restful and musical Christmas and New Year!