g-oz Travel Program – A Week in Sydney
In November of 2024, Girls from Oz embarked on its 21st Travel Program and it was one of the most memorable to date – a thrilling, jam-packed week exploring and singing through Sydney.
The 31 g-oz participants selected as part of this Travel Program were some of the most engaged participants from the 2024 Community Programs and came from all four g-oz communities – Kowanyama and Lockhart River in Far North Queensland, and Halls Creek and Bidyadanga in Western Australia. Accompanied by 11 supervising adults, the girls travelled to Sydney for a truly unique and exciting week of discovery and shared cultural exchange.
Another big year is on the horizon for g-oz, but before they begin their programs for 2025, we’re taking a moment to reflect on the wonderful 2024 g-oz Travel Program in Sydney!
“I like g-oz because I love dancing and singing and showing the world what I can do. g-oz has taught me new stuff. I learnt to be brave.”
– Alexia, 2024 g-oz Travel Program participant from Lockhart State School (QLD)
Day One – Monday
Travelling to Sydney from remote Queensland and Western Australia is no easy feat! The girls made their way to Sydney on what felt like an endless number of planes and buses – the furthest south and away from home many girls have travelled, and with unexpected travel delays, the Bidyadanga girls even spent an extra night in Perth!
After a big day of travel the girls were understandably exhausted and some a little nervous to meet their host families in Sydney. g-oz Travel Programs are, in part, made possible by Australian Girls Choir families who each host girls over the course of the week. It’s an invaluable experience for both the g-oz girls and their AGC host sisters to learn about each other and make special (sometimes lifelong) connections. It’s safe to say the girls all slept well ready for the week of activities to begin!
Day Two – Tuesday
With excitement bubbling in all the participants, it was time for the group to come together! The day began with the participants uniting for a full day of rehearsal in preparation for the many events they would attend during the week, including the big finale at the end of the week – the Australian Girls Choir Annual Concert at the Sydney Opera House.
During the year of community program visits, the g-oz girls from each community had been preparing a song of significance to their community, which were each woven into a medley arranged by long-time AGC composer and tutor Mark Puddy. Their repertoire also included a dance to the song ‘How Far I Go’ from Disney’s Moana, choreographed by dance educator and g-oz Instructor, Shelley Moore, as well as a selection of songs from the AGC’s Peter Allen Medley. The final item in their performance list was ‘True Colours’ by Cyndi Lauper, a piece that the girls had found particular emotional connection to, and would sing as a collective on the Opera House stage.
Day Three – Wednesday
After a big day of singing, day three of the program invited the girls to bring out their dramatic side, when they headed off in the morning to visit the National Institute of the Dramatic Art (NIDA). The girls met with staff and students from numerous courses, from Costume and Props to Design, Effects and of course, Acting! The students at NIDA ran workshops and teambuilding exercises, and there wasn’t a single person left without a smile on their face. A particularly special part of the visit was when first year Bachelor of Acting student and g-oz Alumni, Ooen-s’tae McDonald, spoke to the group about her experience and love of the arts, and how being a part of a program like g-oz can be the beginning of a fulfilling career. Her insights from her first-year at NIDA were inspirational for girls, who were left wide eyed, curious and even more eager to step out on stage later in the week.
The girls wrapped up the day soaking up the Sydney sun in both Centennial Park and at the iconic Bondi Beach, enjoying some hot chips and sharing their favourite moments so far.
Day Four – Thursday
Nearly half-way through the week, the fun had only just begun! All the work at NIDA prepared the girls for a very special appearance on Koori Radio, Sydney’s only First Nations radio station. The girls were interviewed in the segment Blackchat with Lola Forester, to speak about their visit and experiences so far in the big city! A special shout out to Skye from Halls Creek, Rotana from Kowanyama and Meleenda from Bidyadanga who spoke live on air!
The fun didn’t stop there of course, as the group were heading to the Sydney Google Headquarters straight afterwards! And who could have expected that these offices would have had a games arcade, pool tables, theatre room, dance studio, and a library!? A big city also means big shopping centres, and Westfield Chatswood was at the top of the list to explore. For many of the girls, it was the first time they’d seen that many shops in one place. The girls loved exploring and found all kinds of cool souvenirs from clothes to slime!
Day Five – Friday
As Friday rolled around, it was hard to believe that the girls had only been together for five days given the many activities they’d already been involved in. It is impossible to pick one highlight, but this day brought with it some truly special moments. To begin the day, the girls jetted off to another iconic Australian institution, the Qantas Headquarters! It was fascinating to learn about the history of Qantas (not to mention their special connection with the AGC), and for the girls to engage in career chats and imagine what it might be like to fly a plane or work on board! Onward the girls went to their next stop of the day, Bangarra Dance Theatre.
As a company of professional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performers, there were many inspirational theatre makers, dancers and storytellers in the room that the g-oz girls could look up to and learn from. It was so special to perform their own dance routine from Moana to the group, who gave the girls some tips and tricks to make their dancing look more polished and professional. The girls also watched Bangarra rehearse one of their own items, and then had a go at some new trickier dance moves like pirouettes! To wrap up the incredibly special afternoon, the girls from Halls Creek performed for the company in their local languages, Jaru and Kija – an incredibly moving performance that brought many to tears. The studio was filled with joy and many memories made with new friends from each community.
That night they had a very special event to attend as well. Eight of the g-oz girls had been invited to visit the current Governor-General Her Excellency, the Honourable Sam Mostyn AC, and the first female Governor-General, the Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce, for an afternoon of music, connection and celebration at Admiralty House. With incredible views of Sydney harbour, a captivated audience who were delighted to hear them sing, and some delicious Fairy Bread as a snack, it was certainly an evening they won’t ever forget.
Day Six – Saturday
Saturday gave many of the girls a chance to finally have a bit of a sleep in, as it was their free day to spend time with their host families. And with so much of Sydney to explore, it was truly ‘choose your own adventure’! Some girls spent the day out at Taronga Zoo and went trampolining at Bounce, others enjoyed a thrilling adventure and roller coaster rides at Luna Park! A ride on a ferry was a must for many of the girls, as was a bit more Sydney city shopping. But most importantly, it was time for the g-oz girls and their AGC sisters to spend together, relaxing and bonding, and getting a good rest before their performance the following day at the Sydney Opera House…
Day Six – Sunday
The day had finally arrived, it was Annual Concert Day, and there was a lot to prepare before an audience of thousands took their seats. The girls had a rehearsal for the Massed Finale on stage with the whole Choir, and it was incredible to see the colourful costumes, bright lights and choreography come together. The girls then got to prepare their performance of True Colours with Bel Canto, and practise what it would feel like for the real thing.
There was a flurry of hairstyling, ribbon tying and chatter backstage, and before long the show had begun. Despite any nerves the group walked out on stage and delivered a beautiful performance. In the words of g-oz Chair, Nicole Muir AM: “The roof nearly lifted off the Opera House when the g-oz Travel Program group sang True Colours”. It was another heart-warming moment when Mussaria from Halls Creek and Rotana from Kowanyama spoke in language at the Opera House during their performance, translating parts of this song into language from their own communities. Watch this in special moment in the video below.
Not a dry eye was left in the venue, nor a person left sitting, as the conclusion of the show was met with a standing ovation. A simply magical moment for our g-oz sisters to experience.
After a long day of performing, an immeasurable sense of pride and joy was shared among the group, having worked incredibly hard and given a musically brilliant, emotional performance to an audience of people larger than most of their communities.
“I like Girls from Oz because going on trips and performing has helped me build my confidence on stage and meet new people and go new places. g-oz has taught me to always enjoy the moment and shine bright and to keep smiling.”
– Skye, 2024 g-oz Travel Program participant from Halls Creek District High School (WA)
And so, after a long and much needed sleep to conclude a magical day of music, it was time to get ready to hop back on the plane home. There was many fond farewells from host families and new friends from other communities alike, but it was also exciting to know that there would be family and friends at home, eagerly awaiting the stories and incredible tales of the week that was. Who knows what our 2025 trip bring us next?