
Touring in 2024

Touring in 2024
November 8, 2023 Australian Girls Choir

Touring in our own country and around the world – what could be better than seeing new places with a group of girls who share your passion for singing, dancing and performing? Whether the adventures take place on home soil or in countries that most people dream of visiting, the view of many girls and their parents is that it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Since our first tour in 1989, more than 2000 girls have toured nationally or internationally with the Australian Girls Choir and for most it was a highlight of their time with us and a highlight of their schooling years. We are pleased to be offering two touring opportunities next year, open to 2024 Concert Level, Camerata and Performing Choir:

Queensland locations including the Sunshine Coast and two other regional towns
September 30 – October 12, 2024

We are currently planning to travel to Paris, regional France, Switzerland and Singapore
September 20 – October 11, 2024

We are currently exploring our options in terms of which cities and towns to visit or re-visit. We’re fortunate to have a wonderful network of choirs and schools in many countries around the world; we will be liaising with potential host groups in coming months in order to put our plans in place.

2024 Concert Level, Camerata and Performing choristers will be sent further information in late November about how to express interest in touring in 2024.