Meet your AGC Online Tutors – Part 2

Meet your AGC Online Tutors – Part 2
April 29, 2020 Australian Girls Choir

Meet your AGC Online tutors – Part 2

In AGC Online you have the support of a number of AGC tutors, who come to you with a wealth of musical, dance and performance experience for your daughter to learn from every step of the way.

Each week we’ll be introducing you to more of our tutors as AGC Online grows and evolves. We’ll even be including tutors from all over Australia so that girls can see some familiar, friendly faces while they continue to have fun in their lessons.

This week we’re introducing you to four more of our incredible AGC Online tutors you’ll start to meet in your lessons, as well as hear their top tips for rehearsing at home. Let’s meet them!

Laura Knowling

I’m Ms Knowling and I’m a tutor at Kew in Melbourne. You’ll find me teaching a variety of Levels for AGC Online.

My tip for rehearsing at home is record yourself and stand in front of a mirror! You can fix things quicker if you know what it looks, feels and sounds like.

More about Laura: I am an ex-chorister (2007) and have been working with the AGC since 2008. Originally from Adelaide, I studied Jazz voice at the conservatorium and have been involved in many original music projects throughout the last decade – you may even find some film clips on YouTube if you look up Transatlantics, Hurricanes or Selah. My favourite group to perform with is the Gospo Collective and I have been part of that group for 11 years. We recently put on a 28 show season as part of the Adelaide Fringe performing all Australian music. I hope to continue to perform as much as I can because I LOVE it!

Jane Hennessy

Hi I’m Ms Hennessy and I’m a Performing Choir tutor. You’ll find me teaching a bit of everything for AGC Online.

My tip for rehearsing at home is to be brave and record a video of yourself! You can learn so much from watching yourself back. Sometimes what you think you look and sound like don’t match what you do look and sound like. Self-tape or mirror work are both great ways to get instant feedback and to track your progress.

More about Jane: Jane Hennessy has tutored with the Australian Girls Choir for 21 years and is currently the National Production Coordinator. With studies in classical and contemporary voice, performance and music education, Jane has extensive experience, working with choristers from 5 to 90 years old, first timers to experienced, in Australia and internationally. As part of her role at AGC, Jane has been musical director on international tours, run workshops with students and teachers with ASPA Education and delivered performing arts programs to Indigenous girls in remote Australia through Girls from Oz. She is a passionate educator and conductor who firmly believes in the power of singing and performing arts to build both community connection and individual confidence and identity.

Kylie Lee-Archer

Hi I’m Ms Lee-Archer and I’m a Canto tutor at Kew. You’ll find me teaching junior@agc and Allegro for AGC Online.

My tip for rehearsing at home is to concentrate. It seems like a silly thing to say but I get distracted easily, my mind wanders and I realise I haven’t been paying attention to my AGC Online video or the track I’m singing along with. So I try to clear my space of distractions, or go into a room where there are less distractions and I try really hard to focus on my singing. If I’ve got the words or music in front of me it’s much easier, I find.

More about Kylie: I started tutoring for the AGC more than 20 years ago! My first class was Cantissimo. I was a very inexperienced teacher at the time but I had the best trainer, Mrs Curphey! In the time since I have completed a teaching degree and have taught almost every level of the AGC, including our first Performing Choir and Bel Canto in Sydney and Brisbane. These days I teach Canto at Genezzano in Melbourne and I also am fortunate to teach girls in Halls Creek, Carnarvon and Lockhart River on regular g-oz trips. Those trips are some of my favourite weeks of the year.

Samantha Andrew

Hi I’m Ms Andrew and I’m a tutor at Caulfield North & Kew teaching Avanti, Concert Level and Cantissimo. You’ll find me teaching junior@agc and Avanti for AGC Online.

My tip for rehearsing at home is don’t be afraid to make bold mistakes. Sing with a nice full voice and make sure you’re smiling whilst you sing. I promise it will help your sound!

More about Samantha: Samantha Andrew is a composer and cabaret performer. Samantha studied a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Contemporary Music – Jazz and Improvisation at the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA). She has been a tutor for the Australian Girls Choir since 2014 as well as a Girls from Oz instructor, specialising in singing teaching and community engagement.

Meet more of the team

Meet more of our AGC Online team in our Latest News Meet your AGC Online Tutors – Part 1.

And make sure to follow us on Facebook to see some beautiful video messages from your existing AGC Venue Tutors.